The PawPeds PawAcademy held its first internet course in autumn 2007. We started with courses in Swedish, but now we also give courses in English, Dutch/Flemish, German and French. Translation into Italian is on its way.We plan for a basic course in three steps about cat care and cat breeding. General course step 1, or G1 for short, is mainly about cat ownership. It is basically for beginners, but also for more experienced breeders who later want to take the higher courses.Step 2 of the general course, G2, is mainly about having a litter but also includes basic genetics and breeding plans.Step 3, G3, is more in depth about selective breeding, genetics, physiology, cat food, behaviour, etc. This is for breeders who have had a few litters already and have taken step 1 and 2 of the general course.Apart from the general courses we also plan to set up breed specific courses eventually, as well as some other types of courses. But first we will focus on the three steps of the general course. (källa PawAcademy
Under våren 2015 har jag deltagit i grundkursen G1, under våren 2016 har jag gått G2 och under vintern 2018 gick jag sista delen, G3
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Under våren 2023 gick jag också Uppfödarettan hos SVERAK och fick mitt diplom som certifierad uppfödare. För att bli certifierad uppfödare måste man förutom att ha gått kursen också uppfylla minst fem andra kriterier